Cryptocephalus alternans jungovittatus R. White, 1968

Diagnostic description: 

"General: Body 1.64 to 1.74 times as long as wide; dorsal surface shiny, lacking pubescence, most of ventral surface with short, sparse, whitish pubescence. Head: Light orange or yellowish, antennal insertions and median longitudinal line on vertex black, labrum dark reddish; front with moderately coarse, small punctures, vertex anteriorly with a slight depression; clypeus sharply delimited at sides, feebly so at base, distinctly broadest at apex, somewhat concave. Antennae a little over two-thirds length of body in male, a little less than two-thirds length of body in female. Pronotum: Background color light orange or creamy yellow, dark markings black, in general not sharply delimited, margins often brown to reddish, orange or yellowish areas at sides and near apex often speckled with reddish or brownish. Dark markings as follows: On most of disk and basally on each side; laterally each side a small spot; discal markings narrowly touching basal spots (holotype) or not (allotype). Punctation dual, smaller punctures minute, moderate in density, larger punctures small, rather sparse. Elytra: Background color light orange, dark markings black, sharply delimited. Markings of each elytron as follows: on sutural stria; on second, fourth, and sixth intervals, vittae on second and fourth intervals joined at base (holotype) or not (allotype), weakly joined at apex (allotype) or not (holotype), vitta on sixth interval somewhat expanded laterally at humerus; seventh stria and lateral margin beyond middle black. Each elytron with seven striae and a short series behind humerus; punctures rather small, usually forming even rows, rows five and six uneven or a little confused, latter more often so; punctures distinctly smaller toward apex; inner and outer rows distinct and usually meeting at apex. Ventral surfaces: Prosternum and mesosternum light orange or yellowish, former clouded with brownish at side; metasternum yellowish and clouded with brownish or blackish, especially at sides; metepisternum black; abdomen predominantly yellowish basally at center, at apex, and at sides, remainder clouded with brownish or blackish; fernora with anterior face clouded with brownish, margins predominantly yellowish, posterior face brownish or black throughout; tibiae with outer margin brown, darkest at apex, inner margin yellowish, lightest at base; tarsi brown. Anterior margin of prosternum produced ventrally into a distinct, pointed lobe in male, lobe less produced in female. Fifth abdominal segment somewhat depressed at center in male, or deeply depressed into an oval fovea in female. Pygidium with distinct, rather dense punctures, black basally, yellowish to light orange apically. Length: 4.7 to 5.0 mm" (White, 1968: 26-7).


USA: Monterey, CA (White, 1968).

Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith