Cryptocephalus binominis binominis Newman, 1841

Diagnostic description: 

Pronotum: Black (usually) to dark reddish throughout; punctuation dual, larger punctures minute to small. Elytra: Each elytron black or dark reddish with light orange to red as follows: lateral one-half (or slightly less) at base with inner posterior portion of spot extending inward, nearly or quite attaining suture, leaving broad scutellar area black; apical fourth or fifth; basal and apical spots never meeting. With nine rows of punctures (sometimes evidently with eight), usually fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth rows confused, sometimes one much reduced; punctures as large and distinct as usual but generally sparser, finer apically as usual; inner and outer rows distinct at apex, usually clearly meeting. Prosternum: Anterior margin in male with a small, vertical, V-shaped lobe; anterior margin in female produced into a broad, rather pointed lobe. Length: 3.6 to 4.8 mm. (White, 1968: 34-5).


"A single specimen in the USNM collection was taken on Pinus sylvestris L " (White, 1968).


USA: AL, DC, FL, GA, NC, SC, OK, TN, VA (White, 1968).

Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith