Cryptocephalus leucomelas trisignatus R. White, 1968

Diagnostic description: 

Head: Creamy yellow; vertex, antennal insertions, clypeus, and labrum reddish. Pronotum: Background color light orange. Dark markings red to deep red, consisting of four longitudinal, complete, subparallel stripes, rather sharply delimited and distinctly separated; median two nearly straight sided, each just wider than median light stripe they enclose; lateral two stripes distinctly wider than inner two, widest near middle. Elytra: Background color light orange. Dark markings and punctures red to deep red, each elytron with markings as follows: behind base with a slightly diagonal band, extending from suture laterally to extreme side, this usually continuous, sometimes disconnected near humerus; with two spots at apex, one centered before apex of third stria, other centered before apex of seventh stria; usually also with a more or less distinct, small spot at apex of first stria. Ventral surface: Ventral surface and legs nearly uniformly reddish. With yellow as follows: on prosternum, on front coxae, on mesosternum and mesepimeron, on basal median portion of first abdominal segment, and sometimes at sides of abdominal segments. Fifth abdominal segment of female with a large, oval, deep depression at center. Length: 4.5 to 4.7 mm” (White, 1968: 64).

Look alikes: 

“This subspecies differs from l. leucomelas in that the elytra bear no submedian band and no lateral spots; these are present in l. leucomelas. The subspecific name refers to the three distinct markings of each elytron” (White, 1968: 64-5).


USA: MN (White, 1968).

Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith