Cryptocephalus optimus Schöller, 2002

Diagnostic description: 

"Pronotum: Dull creamy yellow to nearly orange, with black, sharply delimited markings. Dark markings as follows: a broad, median, longitudinal spot from base to apex, midline with narrow, disconnected spots of yellow; each side of median spot with oval to triangular, medium-sized spots, usually narrowly connected with median spot; at each side usually with a very tiny black spot. Surface sculpture dual or not, smaller punctures usually absent, larger punctures minute to absent. Elytra: Dull creamy yellow to nearly orange with black markings sharply delimited. Each elytron with dark markings as follows: three medium-sized spots, one centered before base of second stria, one centered before apex of second interval, one centered behind middle of sixth stria (these spots may be expanded and largely confluent); with six small spots, one on suture before apex of sutural stria, one on humerus, two behind humerus (one diagonally above, one diagonally behind), one at apex of fourth interval, one at apex of seventh interval. With eight rows of punctures, usually fifth, sixth, and seventh rows confused, sometimes only sixth, punctures as large, a little sparser than usual, much finer apically; inner and outer rows distinct at apex and usually clearly meeting. Prosternum: Anterior margin in female produced ventrally into a somewhat pointed lobe; male not seen. Length: 6.0 to 6.7 mm" (White, 1968: 54-5).


USA: TX, AR, LA, GA, NJ (White, 1968).

Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith