Cryptocephalus pallidicinctus Fall, 1932

Diagnostic description: 

“Moderately robust. Head black, a quadrate post-clypeal area, a small spot posteriorly adjacent thereto, and the entire inner border of the eyes narrowly whitish yellow. Antennae black. Prothorax orange red, the extreme apical edge pale yellow, the basal edge very narrowly blackish; surface sparsely feebly and very finely punctate. Elytra black, with narrow whitish yellow basal and lateral margin which at apex does not quite reach the sutural angle; striae moderately impressed, nearly as in sanguinicollis, the sutural not reaching the middle of the elytra, 6th very widely interrupted medially, 7th dislocated at basal third. Entire upper surface polished and strongly shining. Pygidium coarsely punctate, obtusely carinate at middle in basal third. Body beneath black; prosternum whitish yellow, with moderate cuspiform lobe in front, the hind angles with erect spiniform processes tipped with black. Length: 4 mm; width: 2.3 mm” (qtd. in White, 1968: 76-7).


USA: Palm Springs, CA.

Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith