Cryptocephalus pinicolus Schaeffer, 1919 (1920)

Diagnostic description: 

Pronotum: Black throughout, nearly always with a bluish tint; punctation dual, larger punctures minute to moderate in size and coarse. Elytra: Dark brown to (usually) black, usually with a bluish tint. With light orange to orange or light reddish markings on each elytron as follows: from fourth or fifth stria to side and posteriorly not quite to middle, marking usually nearly square, sometimes reduced and with humerus black, sometimes a little expanded and attaining middle of elytron; a large apical spot sometimes present, usually reduced to completely absent. With nine rows of punctures, or with row six or seven much reduced, then evidently with eight rows; fifth sometimes, sixth and seventh always confused, one of latter two may be reduced; punctures as large, dense as usual, distinctly finer at apex; inner and outer rows at apex distinct, usually clearly meeting. Prosternum: Male with anterior margin produced downward into a distinct, sharply pointed spine; female with anterior margin produced downward into a rather short, pointed lobe. Length: 3.3 to 5.1 mm” (White, 1968: 77).


“Flowers of Ceanothus fendleri Gray ("Caenothus fendleri")” (White, 1968).



Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith