Cryptocephalus virginiensis R. White, 1968

Diagnostic description: 

General: Body 1.8 times as long as wide; dorsal surface moderately shiny, without pubescence; most of ventral surface with short, fine pubescence. Head: Front and vertex mostly black, with light orange adjacent to each eye and above antennal insertions, clypeus and front below antennal insertions reddish, labrum orange; with large coarse punctures on black area; clypeus with posterior margin distinctly impressed, lateral margins distinct, with apex distinctly wider than base. Antennae of male nearly as long as body, orange throughout. Pronotum: Predominantly black, with sharply delimited light orange markings at side and apex; light markings at side narrow at base, broader anteriorly; apical markings discontinuous, apically at center with a small light spot, this distinct from narrow light margin at each side. Punctation dual, smaller punctures small, sparse, larger punctures large and coarse, coarsest basally and at sides; surface on each side scabrous; median line narrowly free of punctures and finely carinate posteriorly. Elytra: Ground color light orange, dark markings black, sharply delimited. Each elytron with three pair of dark spots as follows (basal pair largest): two basal spots, inner larger, second basal spot extending from fifth to eighth stria, not attaining base, ceasing before middle of elytra; second pair centered behind middle of elytron, inner larger, moderate in size, centered on third stria, located about two-thirds of way back, lateral spot small, centered at about middle of eighth interval; apical spots both moderate, one centered before apex of third stria, other before apex of seventh stria. Each elytron with eight rows of large, pigmented, somewhat irregular punctures, these rather sparse, punctures on light areas smaller than others; fifth, sixth, and seventh rows confused; rows distinctly finer at elytral apex; inner and outer rows distinct to apex, not clearly meeting. Ventral surface: Ventral surface and pygidium black; median line of prosternum light orange; legs reddish orange. Anterior margin of prosternum in male distinctly produced ventrally into a rather pointed lobe; pygidium with very large, coarse punctures. Length: 5.0 mm” (White, 1968: 100).

Look alikes: 

“The species is most similar to cupressi but is easily distinguished from it. The pronotal disk ofcuvressi bears four longitudinal dark bands; that of virginiensis is entirely black. The elytral patterns of dark markings of these two species are nearly identical” (White, 1968).


USA: Cape Henry, VA.

Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith