Stegnocephala monachodes (Suffrian, 1863)

General description: 

Blue-black body; head, ends of feelers, pronotum, trochanters, pygidium, and abdominal end yellow-red; the pronotum finely and dispersedly punctured, clear dots and stripes, with smoothly curved, glossy interspaces. [Translated from the original German in Suffrian, 1863].


S. monachodes is similar to S. cyanoceptera, but notably smaller and also easily distinguishable by the color of its undersides and legs. The head is flat, the somewhat withdrawn frons is lined at the top by two long dimples. The surfaces are finely punctured, extensively glossy, murky yellow red with tan chin and cheeks. The eyes (of the female), which are tightly pressed together at the top, extended, and triangular, are close to black. The antennae are about over half the length of the body, thin and slender. The root segment is narrow and clubbed, slightly curved outward, about four times as long as wide; the second is elliptical, somewhat narrower and three times shorter than the first. The three succeeding segments are gradually narrower, so that the fifth (the longest of the three) measures about 3/4 the length of the first. The rest are each about the same length as the fourth, but slightly wider; the last segment ends with a short, triangular protuberance. The root segment is muddy yellow red; the three following a little darker; the fifth tanned, and the last ones black. The pronotum is half as wide as it is long; the greater front portion curves almost into a full sphere, pressed together over the deeply withdrawn rectangular front edges, and thereby notably narrower. The sides are finely rounded, compressed towards the front into flat arches. The hind edges are short and sharply rectangular. They are on either side smoothly hollowed out, with a short, shallowly edged mid-tip. On either side of the mid-tip is a short, diagonal indent. The surfaces are covered with very fine, dispersed punctures, and are colored quite a glossy yellow-red. The scutellum slopes upward into a long, triangular shape. The hind tips and front dimples are unclear. The surface is glossy blue-black. The elytra are a little longer than they are wide, but then rounded off short and wide, through which the entire body adopts a wide, egg-shaped contour. The back somewhat bulges up around the tip of the scutellum. In the front, behind the bulged root edges, stripes run across the scutellum. The shoulder humps rise up sturdily. The side flanks are fully pulled down, and the elytra are pressed together over them. Also here, the ninth puncture-stripe widens out into a deeper indent across the elytra. The puncture-stripes are very regular, very clear in the front and only slightly fainting at the back. The smoothly curved interspaces are glossy iron-blue, the eighth interspace (counting from the shoulder humps) is raised further up by one length. The pygidium is finely punctured, covered with a thin layer of hair, bright yellow-red. The undersides and legs are dark iron-blue, with an abdomen that is likewise bright yellow-red and darkened in the middle. The color of the hips and roots of thighs, including the front thighs until over half of their length outwards and areas next to the front and mid chest, is darker yellow-red. The front chest is wrinkly, ending at the back with protuberant edges. In the middle they arch over; the front edge, which includes the mouthparts, is chiseled into a long, rounded tip. The last segment of the female is lightly pressed downwards.

[Translated from the original German in Suffrian, 1863].

Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith